Emergency Services
We provide both residential and emergency services to the community, including meals, showers, clothing, academic courses, employment workshops, job search assistance and referral services.
Contact us at (213) 629-1227 ext. 347 for information.

Residential Life Recovery Program
The recovery oriented systems of care programs provide a host of services designed to be client driven such as individual, family and conjoint counseling; Life Skill courses such as anger management, domestic violence, parenting and smoking cessation; discipleship and academic classes such as GED preparation, computer literacy, ESL, and tutoring; employment readiness workshops, job search assistance; group sessions; socialization; vocational training; transitional housing; psychiatric referrals and other relevant services to assist students in becoming contributing members of society.
Contact Kim Green at (213) 629-1227 ext. 495 or KGreen@lamission.net.

Mommy and Me
Mommy and Me is a unique Anne Douglas Center program catering to the needs of struggling moms who are experiencing homelessness or living in other shelters and missions in the area. On Saturday mornings, women and their children can receive a hot breakfast while “shopping” for clothing in the Mission’s donated-clothing room. Mommy and Me offers a wonderful opportunity to help, encourage, and connect with these hurting women and children while providing them with food, clothes — and hope.

Urban Training Institute
Life Skills classes such as Anger Management, Domestic Violence, Smoking Cessation and Parenting are taught by certified instructors and are open to the public.
Please contact Tim Loop at (213) 629-1227 ext. 342 or Tloop@lamission.net.

Food Boxes
Los Angeles Mission has a long history of providing emergency food boxes to those in need. However, in the last six years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of requests for emergency food. Each week, we prepare about 40-50 boxes, filled with items donated from local markets including Albertsons. Each box includes nutritious ingredients for preparing a balanced meal.
For more information about our Emergency Food Box Program, please call at (213) 629-1227 ext. 423 or email SBrewster@lamission.net.

Outreach Services
Our Outreach Services provide ongoing support for those who have graduated from Mission programs. This keeps our graduates connected to a community where they feel accepted and nurtured in order to encourage and maintain the progress they have achieved. Outreach Services provide housing, referral services and assistance with addressing the various roadblocks and obstacles that often accompany re-entry into society.
For more information contact Antwone Sanford at (213) 629-1227 ext 347.
Meal Times
Overnight Guests and Community
(Service IN Spanish & English)
(Service IN Spanish & English)
Who to Contact
Men’s Services
Keith Newton
(213) 629-1227, ext. 309
Program Intake Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00am to 10:30am
Women’s Services
Anne Douglas Center Reception Desk
(213) 629-1227, ext. 518
Program Intake Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm
Residential Life Recovery Program
Los Angeles Mission – Men’s Program
Kim Green
(213) 629-1227, ext. 495
Anne Douglas Center for Women
Kim Green
(213) 629-1227, ext. 495

Los Angeles AA Meeting Locations
You don’t have to fight this battle alone. Find your local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting times and locations for support today.

Prayer Requests
Please email your prayer requests to us and we will go before God on your behalf.