Mental Health Treatment
The Mission’s Mental Health Services program provides services on-site by The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and the Los Angeles Christian Health Centers (L.A.C.H.C.) to ensure that all students’ mental health needs are addressed.

12-Month Life Start Residential Program
Recognizing the need to rehabilitate people rather than just providing a meal and a bed, we provide life-changing outcomes through LifeStart, WorkStart and our community outreach Genesis Program to our friends and neighbors.

Workforce Development
The Workforce Development program consists of the Urban Training Institute (UTI) educational services and a Career Development program that helps provide job training, vocational training, professional wardrobe, job placement, professional mentors and university/college partnerships for our students.

Mommy & Me
On Saturday mornings, women and their children can receive a hot breakfast while “shopping” for clothing in the Mission’s donated-clothing room. Mommy and Me offers a wonderful opportunity to help, encourage, and connect with these hurting women and children while providing them with food, clothes — and hope.

Emergency Food & Shelter
Emergency services are those focused on meals, shelter nights, clothing and hygiene items distributed both to guests and those in our program. We provide over 406,000 meals a year and over 124,000 nights of shelter.

Medical & Dental Services
Medical and dental services are offered to program students (and guests) through (our partnering agency) Los Angeles Christian Health Centers.