Anne-DouglasLThe Los Angeles Mission’s Women’s outreach was named the Anne Douglas Center for Women in recognition of Mrs. Kirk Douglas’ long-standing compassionate generosity to the homeless.

“If I had but one wish, I think becoming a recognized patron of homeless men and women would be it. I hope together we will be able to alleviate their plight entirely.”
– Anne Douglas
December 20, 1990

Give Women a Chance to Recover

At the Anne Douglas Center for Women, our friends and neighbors are given a chance to transform their lives and regain their dignity after tragedy. Your gift will help us meet their immediate needs and give them the tools to break the cycle of self-destruction.

Shattered Lives

Women arrive at our door shattered, drained of emotions, suicidal, alone…and in desperate need of help. Their lives are filled with incidents of physical, sexual and emotional abuse that have left a wake of broken family relationships and chaos. Tired and no longer able to manage their own lives, they are seeking a way to make a change. At the Anne Douglas Center, they are welcomed and offered the chance to transform their lives and regain their dignity.

Breaking the Cycle

During the 12-month intensive Life Recovery Program, women are provided shelter, meals and clothing as they are equipped with skills and taught how to accept responsibility that prepares them for a life of independence.
These women are taught how to break the cycle of self-destruction. They learn not to rely on drugs, alcohol, bad relationships and other destructive behaviors so common in their lives. Gradually they come to see themselves as women of value, no longer unloved and isolated. They reclaim their self-respect – or affirm it for the first time.

The Process of Relational Life Recovery

The Los Angeles Mission’s Anne Douglas Center for women believes in life recovery of the spirit, body and mind.
Enriching the spirit through:
• Spiritual Counseling
• Spiritual Self-worth
• Chapel Services
Enriching the body through:
• Exercise Program
• Recreation and Arts Curriculum
Self-Defense Training Enriching the mind through:
• Academics

Career Skills Development

Examples of job preparation include the following skills that can be learned at the Anne Douglas Center:
• Administrative Assistant
• Receptionist
• Food Services
• Medical Clinic Assistant
• Special Events Planning
• Housing


Ensuring Successful Transition
Women who complete a year in the Urban Training Institute recovery program may continue in a 12-month Transition Program designed to complete the process of preparing them to re-enter the mainstream of society. The Action Plan for the Transition Program includes:
• Job Readiness
• Job Placement Assistance
• Transitional Housing
• Money Management
• Family Ministry
• Higher Education
• Referral Service

Support Services

The services, as follows, are available to women participating in both the Life Recovery and Transition Programs:
• Family Reunification
• Liaison Assistance for Social and Legal Proceedings
• Medical, Dental, and Chiropractic Services
• Alumnae Services

Meeting Needs Through

Our Day Services
• Nutritious Meals
• Clothing
• Showers
• Personal Hygiene Products
• Children’s Clothing
• Infant Supplies
• Toys
• English-as-a Second Language
• Free Community Clinic Medical Assistance

Step 1 of 5

  • Please read completely BEFORE completing your application. All prospective students of the Los Angeles Mission’s Residential Life Recovery Program must meet the criteria below. Please select each box as it applies to you:

  • Are you willing to commit one year to your own recovery from drugs, alcohol or whatever issues you are struggling with?
  • Are you willing to participate in classes/counseling sessions that are Christ-centered, biblically-based?
  • Are you capable of meeting physical fitness criteria, including daily ministry and vocational assignments, such as chores and job readiness training? A TB clearance within the past 12 months and a Medical Evaluation is required upon entering the program.
  • Are you mentally capable of participating in all aspects of the program, including attending classes and working cooperatively with the program staff? A mental health evaluation is required. If you have a diagnosis that requires medication, you will need a 30-day supply and a prescription for refills as needed.
  • Are you willing to comply with all program policy and procedures? Students who are accepted into the program are restricted to the premises for the first 30 days and will not be allowed to leave the building, make/receive phone calls or have visitors. Prospective students must take care of all personal business before entering the program, as you will not be allowed outside appointments during the initial 30-day phase. Additionally, students are not allowed cell phones for the first 10 months of the program. Portable electronic or any Wi-Fi devices are also not allowed. Based upon income, students are assessed a $150/mo. Occupancy Fee, payable after completion of the 30-Day Jumpstart Phase.
  • Are you willing to put relationships (other than legal or common law marriages) on hold while in the program? We believe students focus better on recovery without such distractions, so we discourage romantic relationship while in the program.